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Exploit Smtp service port 25

                          Exploit SMTP service port 25


✍️ Total 4 Ways we can exploit Smtp service

✍️ Type  -1 --> metasploit

step -1 : Type msfconsole in terminal the it will open metasploit

step - 2 type - search smtp

step  3 : find auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum
then use it by use command 
 msf> use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum

step  4 : Show options
-- for requirement identity

step  5 : set attribute using set command.
set rhost <rhostip>

Step 6 : exploit/run it using exploit command.

                                                                            by Er. Sanjay Kumar

✍️ Type  -2 --> smtp-user-enum

smtp-user-enum is a tool for enumerating OS-level user accounts on Solaris via the SMTP service (sendmail). Enumeration is performed by inspecting the responses to VRFY, EXPN, and RCPT TO commands. It could be adapted to work against other vulnerable SMTP daemons, but this hasn’t been done as of v1.0.

smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U <user pwd dictionary> -t <ip>

You can use default wordlist -->

You can varify user id if it exist.

✍️ Type  -3 --> Telnet using 25 port 

telnet <ip address> <25>

✍️ Type  -3 --> ismtp

                                                                       by Er. SANJAY KUMAR


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